A leader in mobile solutions for transport and delivery of freight, we also cover other supply chain applications such as management of palletized goods and warehouse tasks.

comunicacion de equipo

Team communications

Offer your mobility professionals rugged smartphones that are drop-proof, have a high IP level and are resistant to dust and water.


Platform operations

Perform all your transactions over the platform using versatile tools for professionals that include 1D/2D barcode and RFID readers.

Pick up, delivery and collect

With our integrated delivery solutions you can expedite distribution tasks and securely accept payments.

envio y recepcion de mercancia

Dispatch and receipt of goods

With our handhelds you can easily manage the dispatch and arrival of goods with more reliable and secure reading of packages.

inventario y control de stock

Inventory control and stock

Label and classify the products in your warehouse and efficiently control stock.



Simplify parcel delivery tasks with our handhelds, which include the latest technology in barcode and RFID readers, and our payments.

Some brands that already trust ITOS